Khalil Diallo’s Odyssee longlisted #PrixPremiere in Germany


After a successful path in French, Khalil Diallo’s Die Odyssee der Vergessenen (L’Odyssée des oubliés published in French by L’Harmattan Sénégal & Emmanuelle Collas) makes its way in Germany. Here is a first selection, for the Prix Premiere promoted by Deutsch-Französisches Kulturinstitut Tübingen & the Bureau du livre at Institut français Berlin.

Hat off to his publisher Orlanda Verlag and his translator, Astrid Bührle-Gallet.

Ægitna is proud to accompany this book and wishes best success to the author, his publisher and his translator towards their German readership.

Link to the full longlist of the prize 4th edition: here


Plot: Through a breathtaking odyssey spanning the Western coast of Africa, the desert, and the Mediterranean shore, inspired by Greek classics, Khalil Diallo takes us on a tragic journey with Sembouyane and his fellow travelers, all seeking a better future despite facing numerous hardships…

The book is available on Orlanda Verlag website

The novel presentation: here

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