L’odyssée des oubliés Prix Racine Senghor @ FILID


Excitement surrounds this wonderful news: L’Odyssée des oubliés by Khalil Diallo (L’Harmattan Sénégal, 2021) has been honored in the author’s homeland, receiving the prestigious Abdoulaye Racine Senghor Prize for Senegalese novels at the Dakar International Literature Festival (Filid). His novel deeply touched the hearts of both the jury and the public “with its poignant and compelling narrative about the complex realities of migration in West Africa.”

Congratulations to the author and his original publisher, L’Harmattan Sénégal.

This recognition follows the recent selection of the German translation of the novel, titled Die Odyssee der Vergessenen (Orlanda Verlag), for the Prix Premiere, promoted by the Deutsch-Französisches Kulturinstitut Tübingen & the Bureau du livre at Institut français Berlin.

Ægitna is proud to be associated with this book and wishes the author the greatest success.

Plot: Through a breathtaking odyssey spanning the Western coast of Africa, the desert, and the Mediterranean shore, inspired by Greek classics, Khalil Diallo takes us on a tragic journey with Sembouyane and his fellow travelers, all seeking a better future despite facing numerous hardships…

The writer’s profil: here

The novel presentation: here

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