Stephens Akplogan

© Stephens Akplogan

Books & Rights Information

L’Holocauste du dévôt
– Novel, French, 2024 – Forthcoming –

Paul Hazoumé
– Biography, French – Prospection –


(Version en français : ICI)

Stephens Akplogan is a multifaceted writer, skilled in the arts of essay, biography, and novel-writing. Having studied Philosophy at Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar and Psychology at the Pontifical Institute Jean-Paul II in Cotonou, Akplogan’s expertise is diverse and expansive. His career as a journalist for both the qotidien L’Action and Radio Immaculée Conception has further honed his abilities as a wordsmith.

Akplogan’s recent works have been focused on trailblazing writers Paul Hazoumé of Benin and Yambo Ouologuem of Mali. Through his thoughtful and insightful biographical writing, Akplogan breathes new life into the works of these literary pioneers, illuminating their unique perspectives on the world and their contributions to African literature.


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