
The Literary Agency Ægitna is the commercial name of the Individual Company founded and administered by Raphaël Thierry: Establishment registered with INSEE on September 1, 2018. Company address: 36 Av Leclerc, Lyon 7, France,.
SIREN number 841961634 registered at the Répertoire des Entreprises (France) and at the Lyon Trade Register. VAT number: FR64841961634.
Contact: contact@agenceaegitna.com.
Literary Agency Ægitna/Agence Littéraire Ægitna is a trademark registered at French National Institute of Industrial Property.
The website www.agenceaegitna.com is hosted by OVH (2 r Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix France, Tel: +33 5 22 26 00 86).
The domain www.agenceaegitna.com is the property of Raphaël Thierry.
The website www.agenceaegitna.com is based on the Kiyono WordPress theme designed by Benachi (www.benachi.com).
Copyrights of texts, visuals and images present on the site www.agenceaegitna.com are the property of Raphaël Thierry with the exception of books summaries, excerpts, quotes & covers and mention of any other copyright. Apart these last exceptions, any use of the content on www.agenceaegitna.com is subject to a request for authorization.

The Ægitna Literary Agency complies with practices and recommendations of French Syndicate of Artistic and Literary Agents: www.sfaal.fr.

Version en Français : ICI


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