Expat Blues: Lucy Mushita’s First French Narrative


On September 10, 2024, Lucy Mushita‘s highly anticipated second book, Expat Blues, will be released by Project’iles in the Roman / Tantara serie. This marks her first publication in French, offering readers a deeply reflective and ironic exploration of the life of a Black expatriate in a world often dominated by stereotypes and racial prejudice.

In Expat Blues, Mushita masterfully blends wit and gravity, using 37 anecdotes spanning decades and four continents—primarily in France—to examine the subtleties of a society where language can both reveal and conceal acts of discrimination. Through the protagonist’s daily experiences, punctuated by microaggressions, Mushita exposes a society where latent racism thrives beneath seemingly harmless attitudes.

The book’s title, Expat Blues, is both ironic and provocative, highlighting the double standard surrounding the term “expat.” The label is often reserved for white people living in non-Western countries, while non-Western individuals in Western countries are frequently referred to as immigrants or refugees. This distinction is not simply a play on words, but a reflection of the racial inequalities and biased perceptions that persist.

Humor is a powerful tool in Expat Blues, as Mushita uses laughter as a means of resilience. Far from trivializing the challenges, humor becomes a disarming force in the face of prejudice. By inviting readers to laugh with her, she encourages a deeper introspection on our own beliefs, language, and representation.

The release of Expat Blues comes at a critical time, amid global racial tensions and social divides exacerbated by the current global crisis. Mushita’s work serves as a reminder of the vital role literature plays in helping us reflect on society and, ultimately, ourselves.

In a hopeful tone, Mushita envisions a future for France that embraces the contributions of immigrants and values diverse voices. She writes:

I dare to dream that France, this old country of an old continent like Europe, which has just enshrined women’s right to abortion in its Constitution, will integrate literature written by women and people of color into its school textbooks. Because France owes the truth to its children. I trust this France that fears nothing. This confident France, which has been enriched and continues to be enriched by waves of immigration that have made and continue to make this country what it is.

With its universal message, Expat Blues is a must-read. Celebrating the human capacity for laughter and hope in a fragmented world, Mushita’s work sheds light on the injustices of perception and prejudice in a way that resonates far beyond borders.

Release date: September 10, 2024

Publisher: Project’iles

Collection: Roman / Tantara

Pages: 130

Link to the Tantara Serie on Project’Iles Website: here

The Author’s Profile: here

Rights information: here


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