Ægitna is alive: the hearth welcomes its first flames.
Styles, aesthetics, inside-worlds, imagination, narratives, shades, counter-narratives, lights, characters, infinity, intimacies, lives.
Books & Letters. Stories.
Ægitna Literary Agency introduces the first authors.
Powerful writers, unique voices of World-literature, insightful wordsmiths.
May their works, present and future, circulate across this small world, and find a solid place in this precious history of literature.
Rustles the small forge’s breath.
Ægitna is alive thanks to the beauty of your writings.
Welcome to the wordsmiths!
Stephens Akplogan |
Khalil Diallo |
Christian Eboulé |
Guy Ella |
Lucy Mushita |
Solo Niaré |
Pierre Pascual |
Carl Pierrecq |
Sami Tchak |
Click on the pictures to access the writers’ profiles & rights information: